
The Tamayo Family has been personally touched by breast cancer and that is why they are dedicated to supporting the critical research needed to find a cure. This October La Tortilla Factory will donate 25 cents per purchase of our popular Low Carb Flour Tortillas to the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF) with a minimum donation of $25,000. Look for the pink displays in stores now. Together we can #BeTheEnd of breast cancer.

Darlene Tamayo’s Story

Darlene (Dar) Tamayo is many things to many people. She is the wife to Willie Tamayo and sister-in-law to Carlos Tamayo, co-founders of La Tortilla Factory. She is the mother of Andy Tamayo, and aunt to Jenny, Tomas and Sam Tamayo  – all part of the third generation of Tamayos working in the family business today. Here is her story:

In June 2011, Darlene Tamayo was diagnosed with breast cancer. A­n advocate for early detection, Darlene had been getting annual mammograms for years. When one such exam, and subsequent ultrasound, discovered cancer, she and her family were stunned. While nothing could prepare them for the diagnosis, the family rallied around Darlene as she embarked on her difficult journey. Her doctor recommended chemotherapy to attempt to shrink the tumor, and then a lumpectomy to remove it. Fearing the effects of chemotherapy, Darlene was relieved when a test revealed that she would not need it. Instead, she opted to go directly to surgery, where doctors were able to remove the tumor and surrounding lymph nodes that contained cancer with clear margins. After thirty-three radiation treatments, Darlene’s cancer was gone.

Today she is five (!!) years cancer-free and grateful to the many healthcare providers who gave her the best possible care available. Her advice for women everywhere is to speak to your physician about mammograms for early detection and always trust your instincts.


