

1 package of La Tortilla Factory Handmade Style Corn/Wheat Tortillas

1 6.5 oz pepperoni stick (or pre-sliced package)

1 jalapeño pepper, sliced

1 jar of your favorite pizza sauce

8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese

Honey (for topping)

Crushed red peppers



Slice up pepperoni & jalapeño to desired size medallions.

In a saucepan, warm your pizza sauce.

Heat up a cast iron skillet to medium heat.

Start building the pizza upside down. Place pepperoni & jalapeño into the skillet (Keep in mind that the ingredients need to fit in the tortilla!).

Sprinkle a handful of mozzarella cheese over pepperoni/jalapeño.

Once cheese starts to melt add in a tablespoon of pizza sauce.

Place La Tortilla Factory tortillas over the sauce and cheese.

Once the cheese is golden and releases from the skillet, use a spatula to flip and let the tortilla cook directly on the cast iron.

When the tortilla is fully toasted your pizza taco is ready to plate. Finish with locally sourced honey and a sprinkle of crushed red peppers.


Credit: @TheTacoSlayers
